Official name People’s Republic of China
Capital Beijing
Currency Renminbi, USD 1 = RMB6.08 (December 2013)
Population 1,354 million (2012)
Land area 9.6 million sq km
GDP per capita RMB38,353; US$6,075 (2012 – nominal)
GDP growth 7.8% per annum (2012)
Principal business centres Beijing, Shanghai
Permanent population 23.8 million (2012)
Land area 6,340.5 sq km (municipality)
3,248.7 sq km (urban area)
GDP RMB2,018 billion (2012)
GDP per capita RMB84,444; US$13,434 (2012)
GDP growth 7.5% per annum (2012)
Principal business centres Huaihai Road (Main), Nanjing Road (West), and Lujiazui
Permanent population 20.7 million (2012)
Land area 16,410.5 sq km (municipality)
1,368.3 sq km (urban area)
GDP RMB1,780 billion (2012)
GDP per capita RMB87,091; US$13,797 (2012)
GDP growth 7.7% per annum (2012)
Principal business centres CBD, Beijing Financial Street, Lufthansa, East Second Ring Road, East Chang’an Avenue,
Macro Economy
January Macro Economy Review
Property Market
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